Along those lines, I got my fiancee
this coffee maker for Christmas (upon recommendation by this board, by the way), and she's very happy with it. The only problem she's had was when her mother used it once, and accidentally threw away the permanent filter

IMO, I can't see buying one of those Senseo things, when you can get this one for $18 and brew any type of coffee you want.
A little higher on the price spectrum of gifts for my SO, her parents and I pitched in and got her an
Archos GMini400. She really likes it. This is before the iPod w/video came out, but I still think it holds up well, since it can do a hell of a lot more than the iPod can, especially if you get the GMini402cc with the built in basic camera/camcorder. Anyway, it's a hit with her, and I love that my fiancee is a big fan of philosophy behind mass storage devices